How to get maximum speed from broadband internet ?

How to get maximum speed from broadband internet

Broadband optimization is entirely up to you and your device. There will be no ISP or remote hand. Even after using the specified speed line, if you go to download any useful file and see that the speed is bad, then I hope the following methods will be useful to you. Internet optimization can be done in three general ways, they are a) Software Tricks, b) Hardware Taxes and c) Basic Security Taxes.

1) Your internet speed

First you need to know if you are getting the right speed. This means that you need to check if the speed broadband package you are using is coming to your device at all. And it's the easiest to check.

Go to Google Chrome or any other browser (the browser needs to be updated) type and press Enter. Your net speed test will start automatically. And in just 5/6 seconds you will know the net speed of your device.

Click the Show More Info button below; Then you will see extra options including Ping, upload speed. Note that this is your basic and RAW internet speed. Depending on your package, the download / upload speed of YouTube, FTP server and torrent will be different.

2) Browser update

Internet speed delivery optimization depends a lot on the web browser you use. If you use an outdated and older browser you will find that web pages take a little longer to load. For example, if you load a site in Windows 7's default Internet Explorer browser and load the site in Google Chrome on the same net at the same time, you will see that the Google Chrome browser will load the site earlier. That's why no matter which browser you use on your device, the first step to maximum speed optimization from the net is to use an updated browser. So update your used browser now (if a new update has arrived).

3) Background activity

One of the main reasons why your internet speed is slow is the various apps, programs and services running in the background. These are running in the background of your PC and they use your internet bandwidth as needed. If the extra bandwidth draws on all these services, you will find that browsing or normal downloading is taking too long or the internet is slow. For this, whenever you feel that the net speed is slow, then start the task manager (Ctrl + Shift + Esc), click on the text from the Processes tab, then the processes will be sorted on the basis of network usage. You can see the processes / apps that are using the network more and if you don't need, you can close them by right clicking on them.

When Resource Monitor is turned on, in the Network section you can see what processes are currently using your Net. However, keep in mind that you cannot stop system processes from here (such as svchost.exe).

4) Torrenting

If you haven't used the torrent app, skip this step. It will also use the process power of your PC in the same way that it uses our internet bandwidth when downloading torrents with the torrent app. At the same time download 5/6 large size torrent and try; You will notice that your PC is consuming significant RAM% Torrent. So when doing any urgent work or playing online games, you must turn off the torrent app completely. Be sure to say completely so that the torrent does not run in the background. You can also disable "Start xyzTorrent on system startup" from the Task Manager in the Startup section. 5) DNS Customization

If you want, you can use manual DNS instead of automatic DNS. In this field you will get the benefit of speed. If you use Steam which has its own DNS, you will get download speed like BDIX when downloading any games from Steam. You can use either Google DNS, Open DNS or Cloudflare DNS for security and stability. However, Google's DNS will be ahead in everything normally.

Use the following IP addresses if you want to use Google's DNS configuration:

For IPv4: or

For IPv6: 2001: 4860: 4860 :: 8888 or 2001: 4860: 4860 :: 8844

And if you want to use Open DNS configuration, use the following IP addresses:

For IPv4:

Preferred DNS server:

Alternate DNS server:

For IPv6:

Preferred DNS server: 2620: 0: ccc :: 2

Alternate DNS server: 2620: 0: ccd :: 2

6) Select the right place for the router

If you use the net via WiFi, you need to select the right location for the router. And you have to do it yourself, by browsing the internet you can get ideas for the right place for you. Always try to keep the router in the middle of the room so that the WiFi signal can be spread to all the rooms. Keep the router a little away from the microwave and adjust the router's antenna to your liking. If the antenna is placed upwards, it will emit more signals horizontally and if it is placed on the left / right side, it will emit more signals vertically.

How to get maximum speed from broadband internet

7) Use the correct WiFi channel

Crossfire between WiFi channels also slows down the WiFi signal on your device and speeds up. I have a separate post on how to use the right WiFi channel and why bother with the WiFi channel, it is discussed in detail there. Especially if you have a lot of WiFi users around your home, then you must make the right WiFi channel settings.

8) Repeater for strong signal

If the size of your home is bigger and bigger than the proof size and you don't want to cover the whole house with one router and don't want to invest in expensive router then WiFi Repeater is the perfect gadget for you. Suppose you have 6 rooms in your house. After placing the router in the 1st room, its signal goes to the 4th room and then it does not get any signal. Now you have set up a WiFi Repeater in the 4th room. What will happen then is that the signal will increase up to the limit of the repeater. Then you will see that you are getting strong WiFi signal till the eighth room. And now that Shaomi's repeater is available in Bangladesh, you can get a good quality repeater below Rs.

9) Cable connection

Many ISP companies now include the price of the router in your package and set up the router when taking home broadband line. And you enjoy broadband internet on all the devices in your home with WiFi (via router). But the thing is that in addition to the WiFi of the router, the net can also be used through the Ethernet cable. And if you use the internet via cable, you can enjoy a little more internet speed than WiFi. Especially when downloading from FTP, YouTube, Steam, etc. you will see that the cable connection is getting a little more speed, also in the case of online gaming Ping / Latency you will get more benefits in cable connection.

Come on, if you follow the above methods, you will get a little more internet speed than before.

How to get maximum speed from broadband internet

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