2 GB of RAM Android phone will not match the standard

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Google is that the main guardian of the golem system, and as a guardian, Google should suppose the longer term, right?
per a recently leaked document, the front golem ten and golem eleven high-powered devices should have a minimum of two GB of RAM!
the number of RAM in golem flagship devices has gone up to double digits way back by adjusting the speed of ancient laptops.
Mid-range phones currently have 7-8 GB of RAM, thus why low-end devices are going to be 512 MB later?
golem is currently thinking of one thing commonplace.
understands well that the age of 512 MB or one GB RAM is over.
Of course, the golem Go Edition software system can run on the device below this two GB minimum RAM, however antecedently there was no minimum demand, however can currently be set.
As a result, the golem Go devices ahead area unit reaching to increase tons within the market.
If the RAM of the phone is below two GB, the businesses need to sell it as golem Go.
Previously, the minimum demand for golem Go was 512 MB, however currently it's been accumulated to one GB.
Also, if you would like to support commonplace golem ten or eleven, the phone should have two GB of RAM.
However, from the present market, phones with two GB or less RAM can have commonplace golem E, won't be emotional to travel Edition.
Since Google is setting a limit for running commonplace golem, you need to have a minimum of two GB of RAM.
however currently it's been accumulated to one GB.
Also, if you would like to support commonplace golem ten or eleven, the phone should have two GB of RAM.
However, from the present market, phones with two GB or less RAM can have commonplace golem E, won't be emotional to travel Edition.
Since Google is setting a limit for running commonplace golem, you need to have a minimum of two GB of RAM.
however currently it's been accumulated to one GB.

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