Is sitting for long periods of time a serious threat to your health?


Is sitting for long periods of time a serious threat to your healthIs sitting for long periods of time a serious threat to your health

are such a big amount of types it's hard to mention. As a full time blogger, i might say in my very own words, some days I spend 8-10 hours sitting before of the pc. I unnoticed the duty, if I speak about the gamers, surely they're able to surpass our sitting record long ago! you'll say, "Ah, what a pity your brother, we die within the sun all day outside, and you earn money from sitting!" - However, as cool because it sounds to sit down and work, it is not really that funny. There are serious health risks, especially sitting for a protracted time! after you sit for an extended time, many parts of your body become inactive. So what can happen when your body becomes in-active? What is the damage to health if you sit for a protracted time? the way to keep your body active? - Today's article discusses these issues! 

Why is it harmful to take a seat for a protracted time?

At a glance, our current modern society is designed to sit still. But our forefathers did not spend as much time sitting as we do today. And on top of that, I hinted that sitting too much can prove to be harmful for the body.

According to The World Health Organization (WHO), about 8% of the world's deaths are due to inactive bodies. Yes, the number is not big enough to hear, but it is the 4th biggest reason people die! Three more causes are colon and breast cancer (25%), diabetes (26%), and heart disease (30%)!

Now the question is, how bad can sitting be? Sitting is a normal gesture, isn't it? People sit while driving, traveling, sitting at the office desk, watching TV. What is the problem? Well, there is a difference between sitting and sitting too much. I know people who are especially involved with the online profession have to sit a little longer. But as a result of this sitting, your body cannot burn as many calories as you need to keep your body healthy.

Even when the body is sitting or lying down, your body still consumes calories. But in this case the body consumes calories much more slowly. When you sit down, your body consumes only 1 calorie per minute. As you move less, so does the electrical activity of your muscles. When you spend more than 8 hours a day sitting, your body's oxygen expenditure decreases, so you get tired even when you go for regular exercise.

According to the report, a farmer consumes about 1,000 more calories a day than a person sitting at a desk. Because they spend more time standing and walking. Moreover, if you sit continuously for a long time, you will gain weight. You don't have to have a medical degree to know this, you will consume fewer calories which means you will gain weight in reverse!

You may exercise lightly or more every day, yes, of course exercise is good for the body, but if you sit continuously for a long time, you will not be able to completely avoid the risk of exercising. You may exercise for 1 hour a day, but what will happen? If you sit in a row for 8 hours! So what is the harm of sitting for 8 hours and 1 hour of exercise? - So you understand how serious it can be to sit for too long.

Excessive sitting health risks!

Let's discuss what can happen to you if you sit for a long time!


Insulin is the hormone in your body that helps your body burn sugar and carbohydrates. When your body does nothing, insulin levels have an effect. It is not normal for a person to spend 24 hours sitting at all, it reduces the effect of insulin on the body by 24%.

If you spend 6 hours a day sitting at the office desk and watching TV or playing games at home, this will increase the effect of insulin on your body if it continues for two weeks. It physically increases your weight and raises your blood sugar levels. And as a result, you can get type 2 diabetes.

Heart disease

Isn't it as simple as water that your heart will also be affected by the things that are bothering your blood? Cholesterol in your body increases drastically as a result of being diabetic. This can increase your chances of developing heart disease. But suppose you don't have diabetes, but if you sit still for a long time, your blood sugar level will fluctuate and your chances of heart disease will also increase.

Did you know that just sitting for 2 hours straight lowers your blood cholesterol level by 20%? If you spend 3-4 hours a day sitting and watching TV regularly, there is a 74% chance that you will die of a heart attack. Most people in the world die of some type of heart disease. So think about how deadly just sitting can be.

Weak legs, stiff waist, and back pain!

When you spend too much time sitting, your legs will not be able to support the mass of your body at that time. Not being able to do enough work will lead to muscle cramps and malnutrition, which will gradually weaken your legs.

Like your legs your waist and back and impact will go later. I don't want to go to so many medical terms, but sitting too much will put too much pressure on your waist and it will also affect your spine. Not only the physical effect but also the mental effect of sitting for a long time. People who spend most of their time sitting still have higher Anxiety and Depression levels.

How can this bad effect be eliminated?

There is so much to do in this busy life, someone has to run and spend the day sitting again! You have to work, you have to meditate on life. If you have not survived, will it work? However, I've learned a lot about the dangers of sitting down, so let's talk about how to avoid it.

According to one study, 30 minutes of continuous sitting or a little movement can dramatically reduce the risk of death from inactivity. This does not mean that you have to run for 30 minutes at a time, but you do have some exercise! Get up a little, walk around another room with a water bottle in hand, clean up if the house is dirty, you have to do something to burn your body calories, don't you?

According to the study, the effects of continuous sitting can lead to a variety of disorders, including cancer and other serious disorders. With stroke; Kidney, lung, liver can be various diseases. Sounds a lot scarier, doesn't it? How easily your life can end with just sitting there. - You may not have known or noticed the matter for so long. But today, even if you know the subject a little, maybe today's article will change your life!

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