10 facts about the human body that you may not know

 Man is the best creature of creation. And the structure of the organs of the human body and the mechanisms of the whole body are still a mystery to science. How much do we know about our own body? Those of us who are biology lovers may know a lot more than others, but not everyone! Anyway, let's go straight to the main topic without doing so much. Let's get out of the tech related topic today and discuss something else interesting. Today we are going to discuss 10  facts about our human body, which you may not know!

10 facts about the human body that you may not know

1. The human brain can generate enough energy to light a small light bulb. When we are awake, our brain is always generating 15 to 20 watts of energy. And this amount of energy is enough to light a low powered LED light bulb. In addition to generating energy, our brain generates random thoughts, up to a maximum of 50,000 (approximately) per day. And another thing, you may have heard a rumor that a person can use a maximum of 10% of his brain. But this is not true! People even use their brains a lot when they sleep, which is much more than 10%!

10 facts about the human body that you may not know

2. Human teeth are as strong as the teeth of a strong shark. Each jaw of a shark's mouth has 15 rows of teeth. Sharks are born with strong teeth that allow baby sharks to protect themselves. And the funny fact here is that their teeth and our teeth are equally strong! And do you know what is the hardest part of our body? This part made of enamel on the upper side of our teeth is the strongest point of our body!

3. If your stomach acid comes in contact with your body's skin, it can make a small hole in your skin! Hydrochloric acid is a common component of the human stomach. The type of hydrochloric acid we have in our stomachs is of industrial grade which can destroy even metal. However, in the human stomach, this acid basically kills the bacteria or viruses in the food. In addition, this acid helps a special enzyme that helps us grind food so that it can be easily digested in our body.

10 facts about the human stomatch that you may not know

4. People can create a maximum of about 6000 types of facial expressions! However, according to scientists, the main human facial expressions are 4. Happy, sad, surprised, scared and angry. Although these are the main facial expressions, people can create many more types of facial expressions by combining them. Based on these 4 main facial expressions, we can create more than 6000 types of facial expressions.

10 facts about the human body that you may not know

5. The resolution of the human eye is technically more than 500 megapixels. As such, the human eye is able to capture about 60-70 times more precision than any modern smartphone camera and capture much more details than any modern camera system. And our eyes have the ability to tell the difference between about 10 million different colors!

6. As long as you are awake, your eyes are closed about 10% of the time. This 10% of the time is the sum of the times when you blink. The average person blinks 15 times a minute. And the girls blink about 30 times a minute. In the case of girls, this time of complete blindness can be up to 32% of the time of waking time. However, children do not blink so much. Young children close their eyes or blink only a few times a minute.

10 facts about the human body that you may not know

7. The kidneys are not the only ones that filter water. Your kidneys filter all the blood in your body about 25 times daily which is a total of about 4.75 gallons of blood. And only 1% of the filtered blood turns into urine. The rest is distributed to your body again. Another thing, human kidneys but very small. It is about the size of an adult's fist. Now think about it, the largest stone that grew in human kidneys weighed 2.5 pounds and was about the size of a coconut!

human body

8. Some of the atoms in our body are stardust, which are billions of years old. You would be surprised to know that the human body alone does not have billions of years old stardust. Rather, everything we see in front of us, such as plants, food, cars, cats, dogs, all have tiny parts of a billion-year-old star in their bodies. Basically when stars explode, they shoot the materials they make into different corners of the universe. This is how these particles are formed which are called stardust.

9. An average person's heart pumps about 53 million gallons of blood in a lifetime. That is why the hardest working organ of the human body is the human heart. The human heart beats about 1 lakh 15 thousand times every day. And a human heart can beat about 3 billion times in its entire lifetime.

human body

10. It may sound unbelievable to you, but the human heartbeat can sync with the beat or rhythm of the music you listen to! According to a recent medical research report, a person's heartbeat syncs with the rhythm or beat of the music he or she hears and enjoys. It sounds incredible, but it's true! And it happens to all musicians and music lovers!

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